Teaching Your Children Science Through Everyday Life
Teaching Your Children Science Through Everyday Life
Teaching Your Children Science Through Everyday Life
You can explore science in countless ways from home. By strengthening your child's knowledge about science from home, you are encouraging them to become life-long learners. Kids who have more hands-on life experiences with science are better able to grasps the complexities of scientific reasoning. When kids have seen these processes occur in their everyday life, they are better able to make connections. Here are just a few great ways in which you can teach your child science at home during work or play.
Science in Cooking and Baking
Cooking and baking are both excellent ways of teaching science. It's also handy that you can serve dinner and have taught science. Cooking involves a lot of calculations and measurements. If you make substitutions for ingredients or adjust proportions, the outcome can change. But do not be afraid to mess up: this will give your child a hands-on way of understanding how even tiny chemical differences add up to significant changes. Baking can teach your child about reactions, and they can make scientific observations while you cook.
Science in Gardening
Gardening is yet another natural science project that has practical, real-world uses. While your child engages with this activity, they will learn about seed growth, photosynthesis, and other fantastic plant and nature-related lessons. Watching the plants grow can be a long, ongoing learning adventure. Gardening can also provide some foods or ingredients for your household.
Need Help deciding on seeds?
Here is a free guide to EASY TO GROW SEEDS. Download it now, for free! The guide comes with large grid sheets to help you plan your garden space.
Science and Unique Pets
The world is bursting with strange animals. While there are always cats and dogs, your child can learn science through an atypical pet. An ant or worm-farm could be interesting to keep an eye on. With a clear, plastic-walled worm farm, your child can see the work these hardworking creatures do firsthand. Butterflies are another fun pet. Kids will enjoy taking care of butterflies throughout their life cycle. You can order butterfly larvae kits from school supply shops and some garden stores. Your kids will be able to watch a butterfly as it passes through its several stages, from caterpillar to chrysalis to butterfly. You could even hold a special ceremony to celebrate when you release the butterflies into the wild. Kids of almost any age will enjoy a butterfly releasing celebration.
Science in Camping
Camping is one of the most entertaining ways to learn about scientific knowledge in the real world. There are never-ending ways to learn about multiple aspects of science while surviving and exploring the outdoors. Pick up a book for your trip. Your text should cover the different types of birds, animals, or plants you might find. Learn about wild animal behavior and habitats and how to avoid confrontation with them.
Examine Engineering.
If your child is using their bike while camping, you could talk about the wheel's mechanisms. Instruct your child on how to build a wood-fire. When you're ready for a campfire, let your child walk you through the steps. You could also explore edible plants. You and your children could search for edibles plants if you are in an area that includes those kinds of plants. These survival skills are often highly scientific, so it's easy to reinforce your child's learning while you are in nature.
Science is one of the subjects most reachable to anyone who seeks it out. Use your knowledge, imagination, and creative thinking to provide your child with worthwhile and fun learning adventures. Science, additionally, is great to do together as a family.